So, I decided to run down to Lowes to pick up a new temp pump, not realizing I already had one that would have gotten me by...but hey, I had to get a new valve..right? So, off I went, 11 miles to Lowes, and after picking out a 2000 GPH pump, and PVC pipe along with a new valve and fittings I was back home in a flash, only to find out that the pump I had purchased was only submersible and not an in-line as there were no threads on the intake port, but the output was threaded, so I assumed both were threaded, and you know what "Assumed" means..right!.
So in order to take the valve out, I had to plug up the 2" PVC pipe coming out of the raft using a 2" rubber test plug, which did the trick. After placing the plug, I disconnected the pump for further troubleshooting.
Anyway, after looking at the Danner Mag pump, and giving it a thorough cleaning, after which I did some research on the problem, it appears that the outside temp peaked at 85 degrees that day causing a rise in the housing temperature allowing for the thermal cutoff to kick in on the pump, shutting it down to avoid damage. So, I'm not able to use this pump type in-line, but I will be using it in the winter in the fish tank once I shut down the grow big deal.
That being said, I decided to use the Danner Mag in the Fish Tank temporarily to pump water back into the grow beds until I could find a pump better suited to in-line use.
After much research, I decided on an Evolution ES3500 in-line out of pond pump with a priming pot that I can use for both Aquaponic systems. It only uses 143 watts which is about 40 watts less than both my Danner Mag pumps together, so a little bit of savings will be realized in electric cost down the road.
I ordered it from a KOI pond dealer on-line with free shipping for $245 including the priming pot and 2"unions. It should be hear any day now via FEDEX.
Of course, this gave me the opportunity to make some improvements to the barrel filters. I removed the home made PVC male/female bulk head fitting with a 1" standard slip bulk head fitting.on the swirl filter, and I replaced the outlet PVC male/female adapter on the Baki filter with a 2" Uniseal to prevent any leaks.
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