A Green Project Challenge

The intent of this project is to see if being more green is viable given the cost of materials vs. the Return On Investment (ROI) for operating my own greenhouse aquaponics/aeroponics system in our backyard. The challenge is whether I can design, build and operate an aquaponics/aeroponics based greenhouse system in a sustainable manner with a small carbon footprint while providing food for the table at a reasonable cost over conventional methods such as purchasing fish/vegetables at the local grocery. Join me on this journey of discovery while I forge a new chapter in my quest for a better tomorrow.

Friday, December 9, 2011

DIY EZ Cloner for Under $50 bucks

OK...so I realized that raising tomato plants from seed at this point is going to be challenging and I don't really have a resource in the winter for tomato plants, so what's an Aquaponics Gardener to do...Why, build my own DIY EZ Cloner and all for under $50..I say around $40 in the video, but I didn't figure in the cost of the pipe, fittings and the three additional Net Pots w/Neoprene inserts I'm going to need, so the total comes in at a little under $50..still not bad considering the price of a commercial unit. Here a few pics of the unit and a video overview of the cloner...I think it is going to work out just fine.

 The Finish Product
 A Blue 20 Gallon Tote from my local Family Dollar for $10
 Fairly deep compared to an 18 Gallon Tote
 Layout for 2" holes to accommodate Net Pots
 Starting the holes
Standard 2" Net Pots with Neoprene inserts.
 Finished the holes for now, still have to purchase 3 more 2" Net Pots w/Inserts
 1/2" PVC pipe spray bar before being drilled for spray heads
 Spray bar with 360 Degree spray heads installed.
 Close up of 360 mist head  11/64 drill bit used for installation
 Close up of 360 degree downspray streaming head 11/64 drill bit used for installation
 600 GPH pump to be changed out for a 300+ GPH later on.
Assembly installed in Tote

Here is a short video overview of the EZ Cloner in action.


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